In the midst of intense social and cultural polarization, in which there are SIDES and intense judgement of whoever is on the “other side”, we have an alternate choice instead, to dance with seeming opposite energies within ourselves. We have the opportunity to taste and experience the both/and of polarity, rather then either/or of polarization.

We are each in a changing dance of the yin and yang, the feminine and masculine energies of our inner selves.  We are not this or that; we are the sacred union of BOTH, within.  It is not a static expression, but is in constant change- throughout each day, each season, each lifestage of human development.  Expressions of these energies come through in both shadow and gold- it is a dance of light and shadow, known and unknown.  How well do we know ourselves? Can we identify the yielding and assertive within? Can we see the voice, expression and body patterns and interconnection of these different ways of being?

The entrance to Oracle at Delphi is graced with the message “KNOW THYSELF”.  This is the first order of business if we are to live an evolving, connected life in which our yin and yang energies can flow in their fullest potential.

Because the feminine aspect has been feared, suppressed and denied for millennia, both the feminine and masculine energies have been in an imbalanced shadow expression globally.  The impact of this is dire, and life is contracting and pulling in as a response. 

 As the feminine re-awakens on the planet, there is more potential for the positive archetypal aspects of both the masculine and feminine to be expressed.  We must tell the stories of these positive, life-affirming and connected expressions of balanced flow between yin and yang, internally and externally! 

Women need a transmission of what it FEELS like to be in the flow, in the trust, in the unfolding.  It has been hidden for a long time, and many women have survived by drawing on their masculine attributes in order to find a place in this world.  We need to be reminded at the deepest levels, what it feels like to access and allow, to let the ancient wisdom bubble up from the depths of the dark unknown.

 Men also need a transmission of the sacred attributes of masculine power within.  A transmission of deep presence, as well as the critical information that men can be in service to the unfolding feminine- which is the most important emergence of our times.  And that being in service will nourish them in ways they never thought possible.  How can we speak, that they will hear the call?

 The ancient ones knew their role, their essential role in the birth of all life.  We are conscious creators, and we dream and sing the world into being with our attention and gratitude and honoring of all life!  This is what has been forgotten in our rush to makes things as we want them to be.  We have forgotten our role in the web of life.  As conscious observers, we can focus our powerful attention to support the health of the web with our love and gratitude. The Earth Mother gives and gives and we can only fully receive this offering if we say thank you!  If we know the beauty and magic we are being gifted.

Welcome to all of you! Welcome to the emerging, reawakening feminine energies and the rebalancing masculine.



The Magic of Focusing

