On Building Community

As we often stress here on PeakProsperity.com, nearly none of us can expect to become completely self-sufficient. It's the (very) rare individual who can successfully live as a true 'lone wolf' — and being honest, who would want to? That's a hard, lonely road.

Which is why we so strongly advocate integrating into a supportive community, or building one of your own if there's none readily available. Having multiple trusted social relationships is a form of wealth in many ways more valuable than money. These are what support and sustain us when our plans fail us, when the situation calls for skills we lack, when we're physically or mentally compromised. They also enrich our lives in ways money simply cannot, nourishing us as well as encouraging us to become our better selves.

But building community takes time and real effort. Especially in today's society, where many of the old social norms that fostered community during our grandparents age have been severed by suburban fences, the rat-race workstyle, and the false sense of belonging offered by television and the Internet. So how exactly does one do it?

In this week's podcast, we invite Chris' wife Becca to share her expertise on the subject. Those who have attended our annual seminars in the past know her deep experience in this area, experience that she's honed over the years advising Peak Prosperity readers looking for ways to better forge valued relationships in their own lives.


Charles Eisenstein: Crafting A New Narrative